Colloqui di Fisica: AI-enhanced prediction of weather and climate extremes

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Colloqui di Fisica: AI-enhanced prediction of weather and climate extremes
Martedì 7 febbraio  alle ore  14:30,  Leone Cavicchia della Fondazione CMCC - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici, terrà il Colloquio di Fisica  dal titolo "AI-enhanced prediction of weather and climate extremes".
Despite major advances in the development of numerical Earth system models and the increase of available computer power, the prediction of extreme events at (sub)seasonal and longer time scales remains challenging. In a recent development, machine learning techniques are used to improve the accuracy of predictions. In those applications, large observational datasets are exploited to train algorithms to detect connections between the extreme events and their large-scale drivers. In this talk, I will first review the state of the art of numerical climate predictions systems and their limitations. I will then show through selected examples how AI techniques can be exploited to increase the skill of climate predictions.

L'evento si svolge in Aula B - Via della Vasca Navale 84

Link identifier #identifier__158314-1Locandina

Link identifier #identifier__124783-2Colloqui di fisica
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