Martedì 7 marzo alle ore 14:30 il prof. Daniele Coslovich del Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Università di Trieste, terrà il Colloquio di Fisica dal titolo "The glass transition problem: challenges and breakthroughs".
Abstrct: Glasses are amorphous solids produced by cooling a liquid fast enough to avoid crystallization. Mankind has manufactured them since thousands of years and yet we still lack a fundamental understanding of how and why they form. Over the last decades, a handful of competing theoretical scenarios have emerged, but none of them provides a fully satisfactory description of glass formation. In this seminar, I will give an overview of some of the long-standing open problems around the glass transition and show how recent breakthroughs in particle-based simulations are shedding new light on them. I will conclude with a critical discussion on the growing role of machine learning algorithms in this field and in physics
L'evento si svolge in Aula G - Via della Vasca Navale 84 (primo piano)
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Colloqui di Fisica: The glass transition problem: challenges and breakthroughs
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