Giovedì 21 Novembre alle ore 14:15, Fabio Bernasconi (Sapienza) terrà il seminario di Geometria dal titolo "Rational points on 3-folds with nef anticanonical class over finite fields".
Abstract: A theorem of Esnault states that smooth Fano varieties over finite fields always have rational points. A natural question then arises: what happens if we relax the positivity conditions on the anticanonical class? In this seminar, I will discuss the case of 3-folds with nef anticanonical class over finite fields. Specifically, we demonstrate that in the case of negative Kodaira dimension, rational points exist if the cardinality of the field is greater than 19. In the K-trivial case, we prove a similar result, provided that the Albanese morphism is non-trivial. This result draws on a combination of techniques from the Minimal Model Program, semipositivity theorems, and arithmetic considerations. This is joint work with S. Filipazzi.
Il seminario si svolgerà in presenza nell'aula M1. Per ulteriori informazioni, si può contattare gli organizzatori all'email