Manlio Rossi-Doria Centre for Economic and Social Research

The Manlio Rossi-Doria Centre for Economic and Social Research is a Centre of the Department of Economics at the Roma Tre University. The Centre promotes research and higher education activities in the field of economic development in different geographical, territorial and sectoral declinations, with an interdisciplinary approach.

It aims to contribute to the advancement of knowledge on topics such as:

  • public policies impact assessment
  • trade policies
  • local development
  • firms internationalization and digitalisation
  • agriculture and environmental sustainability
  • food safety
  • rural development
  • italian territorial dualism


Via Silvio D’Amico, 77 – 00145 – Roma
Phone: 06 5733.5743
Web site: Link identifier #identifier__95225-1

Link identifier #identifier__36684-2Link identifier #identifier__88038-3Link identifier #identifier__191057-4Link identifier #identifier__48391-5
Marco Pagliai 19 December 2023