The Research Activity of the Department
Our multidisciplinary research covers a variety of different areas of economics and social sciences, ranging from theoretical to applied approaches, from local to international analyses, and from quantitative to qualitative perspectives.
This word cloud is based on the titles words of our articles published in international journals as uploaded in the official national database of scientific publications (IRIS – updated April 2020)
We run aLink identifier #identifier__119971-1 Ph.D Program in Economics with at least 6 scholarships granted per year. The theses of our students develop leading research in a variety of fields. A large and active community of young researchers takes part in the Department research activities under our Post Doc Scholarships program.
Many Link identifier #identifier__93897-2Research Centres are based in our Department. They are engaged with the most pressing issues in economics, development and innovation policies, trade and globalization, labour markets, history of economic thinking.
The Department is active in many Research Project involving international, national and local communities of researchers and experts, contributing to shaping the global debate.
OurLink identifier #identifier__24993-3 Publications appear in leading International Journals of the different fields in Economics, Finance, Innovation, Management, Mathematics, Statistics, Law. We also run a Link identifier #identifier__76193-4Working Paper Series, which publishes high-quality pieces of research across our broad areas of interests.