PhD in Economics

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Coordinator: Link identifier #identifier__95301-1Saverio Maria Fratini
Vice-Coordinator: Link identifier #identifier__119294-2Alessia Naccarato

Since its establishment, the Link identifier #identifier__17576-3Department of Economics hosted different Ph.D. Programs. The current Ph.D. program in Economics started in 2014 (XXX Cycle). Our Ph.D. offers the opportunity to research many areas of Economics by relying on a large number of faculty members who are very active in different fields and follow a plurality of theoretical approaches with a strong emphasis on empirical analysis.

The Call for applications of the Ph.D. programs (40th cycle – A.A. 2024/2025) has been published. All the informations are available in the section Link identifier #identifier__143593-4Admission

We have a long and consolidated tradition of post-graduate teaching and research in Economics and our Program also rests upon long-standing research and teaching cooperation with other prestigious Italian and foreign universities (Link identifier #identifier__61499-5University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Link identifier #identifier__102403-6London School of Economics and Political Science).
Furthermore, renowned international professors from top institutions and professional economists working in international organizations are invited for Link identifier #identifier__199486-7lectures and Link identifier #identifier__140070-8seminars, allowing students to meet outstanding scholars and start creating connections. The Department of Economics has strong links with many Italian and international research centers (Link identifier #identifier__10700-9Centro Rossi-Doria, Link identifier #identifier__96851-10Centro Sraffa, Link identifier #identifier__59224-11Institute for New Economic Thinking) and organizations (Link identifier #identifier__65478-12Food and Agriculture Organization, Link identifier #identifier__68311-13International Fund for Agricultural Development), and we encourage our students to spend part of their time at top-quality foreign universities and international institutions to further strengthen their education.

The PhD in Economics is part of the Link identifier #identifier__57269-14EPOG-DN, a network which is financed by the Link identifier #identifier__125090-15MSCA – Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions program, which is partecipied by several European University. The network offers Link identifier #identifier__129168-1611 PhD scholarship on three different research  topics: sociotechnical transition (WP3), socioeconomic transition (WP4) and socioecological transition (WP5). The PhD in Economics of Roma Tre is the degree awarding institution of two of these scholarships.

Key features:
• Full scholarship (36 months) and research funds for admitted students
• Close interaction with universities and research centers located in Rome
• Links to top international universities and research networks
• Participation in national and international research

Research Areas

We welcome applicants seeking to conduct postgraduate research in any of the research areas in which the faculty members of the Ph.D. are currently active. An indicative list includes the following ones:

  • Industrial, regional and agricultural Policies: innovation, technology transfer, productivity, growth, and convergence
  • Public finance, fiscal policy, and Inequality
  • Labour, welfare, and macroeconomic policies
  • Finance and banking
  • Alternative theories of prices and output determination and the reappraisal of the surplus approach
  • Macroeconomic models for business cycle and modern economic growth
  • Development, food security, sustainability
  • Global markets: firms, sectors, and policies
  • Quantitative and computational methods in economics and finance

Contact us

For information on the call for applications and selection procedures, please contact the secretary of the Ph.D. in Economics:

dr.ssa Francesco Scacchi
e-mail: Link identifier
tel.: +39 06 57335654


Link identifier #identifier__17247-18Link identifier #identifier__91874-19Link identifier #identifier__99267-20Link identifier #identifier__103589-21
Edoardo Sala 06 June 2024