The course in Environmental Economics aims at providing the necessary knowledge to understand the main concepts of environmental economics with reference to the economic instruments of environmental policies (i.e. incentives, taxes, permits, subsidies), the evaluation of environmental goods, as well as changes in welfare for environmental goods and environmental risk. Of particular relevance to the course are the study of different types of natural resources (renewable and non-renewable), the principles of the circular economy, the economics of climate change and natural disasters.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


• Integrated approach between economics and environment
• Sustainable development
• Environmental degradation and market failures
• The Coase's Theorem
• Environmental taxes and environmental standards
• Tradable permits
• Other policy instruments: environmental subsidies and liability
• Cost-benefit analysis
• Economics of climate change
• Economics of natural resources
• Economics of natural disasters
• Circular economy and the just and sustainable transition

Testi Adottati

Turner KR, Pearce DW, Bateman I (2003) Economia Ambientale, Il Mulino.

Additional teaching material prepared by the lecturer (e.g. slides, lecture notes, publications on scientific journals) will be available on the Moodle platform.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is not compulsory but strongly recommended.

Modalità Valutazione

The expected learning outcomes will be assessed by means of a final written test involving the argumentation of questions covered during the course. The test will consist of three or more open-ended questions and will last 75 minutes. The assessment criteria are: the level of mastery of knowledge, the degree of articulation of the answer, the degree of adequacy and accuracy of the explanation, and the ability to synthesise.