This course will cover theoretical, practical and applied aspects of regional studies, territorial planning, urban economy and social structures, as well as short and long term transformations. The theoretical section will be divided into two parts: (1) introduction to basic concepts including: urban planning, urban economic studies, regional studies, territorial analysis and planning, the relationship between memory and design and (2) analysis of the quality of urban spaces and of its determining features. The applied section of the course serves to illustrate the use of statistical data and geographic information systems (GIS) for a territorial analysis of the different components of urban quality within this workshop’s field of studies.
scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 21210012 LABORATORIO DI ANALISI URBANA E REGIONALE in Economia e Management LM-77 LELO KETI


The course is dedicated to the analysis of measures that summarize the quality of life in urban areas. Urban quality indicators will be analyzed in detail, addressing of the complex links that arise between the different well-being dimensions (economic, social, environmental). The case study will concern the analysis of urban contexts in the Municipality of Rome, characterized by conditions of social and economic marginality.
In the first part will be dedicated to the introduction of basic concepts and the discussion of some issues regarding the city-quality of life. Furthermore, existing studies on the quality of life at different territorial and administrative levels will be examined, with their respective theoretical approaches and indicator systems.
In the second part, with specific reference to the study area, the specific economic, social well-being and environmental quality indicators will be examined.
Depending on the availability of the data, a diachronic dataset will be prepared.
The course will enhance applicative work. Students will acquire basic concepts of database construction and management, data analysis and spatial statistics. GIS lessons are planned in preparation for the processing and presentation of the results of the practical exercise.
Databases and additional material will be made available to students during the course.

Testi Adottati

Camagni R. (1998) Principi di economia urbana e territoriale, Roma, Carocci
Storper M., Scott A.J. (2009) Rethinking human capital, creativity and urban growth, Journal of Economic Geography 9, pp.147-167
van Kamp I., Leidelmeijer K., Marsman G., de Hollander A. (2003) Urban environmental quality and human well-being. Towards a conceptual framework and demarcation of concepts; a literature study, Landscape and Urban Planning 65, pp. 5–18
Robeyns I . (2005) The Capability Approach: a theoretical survey, Journal of Human Development 6(1), pp. 93-117
Smith T., Nelischer M., Perkins N. (1997) Quality of an urban community: a framework for understanding the relationship between quality and physical form, Landscape and Urban Planning 39, pp 229-241
Martínez, J.A., Pfeffer, K. and Baud, I. (2016) Factors shaping cartographic representations of inequalities : maps as products and processes, Habitat International : A Journal for the Study of Human Settlements, 51 (2016) pp. 90-102.
Roma città “fai da te”, Quaderni urbanistica 02/2013.
Lelo K. (2006) Le «frontiere» dell’urbano, in M.F. Boemi, C.M. Travaglini (a cura di ) Roma dall'alto, pp. 69-74, Roma, Roma Tre.
Lelo K. (2006) La forma della città, in M.F. Boemi, C.M. Travaglini (a cura di) Roma dall'alto, pp. 75-100, Roma, Roma Tre.
Lelo K. (2011) Sistemi informativi geografici, in M. Munafò (a cura di), Rappresentare il territorio e l'ambiente, pp. 265-274, Roma, Bonanno.
Lelo K. (2011) Principi di basi di dati, in M. Munafò (a cura di), Rappresentare il territorio e l'ambiente, pp. 287-292, Roma, Bonanno
Lelo K., Monni S., Tomassi F. (2019) Le mappe della disuguaglianza. Una geografia sociale metropolitana, Roma, Donzelli, ISBN 978-88-6843-988-0

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is strongly encouraged

Modalità Valutazione

It is requested the presentation for the exam of a written paper on a topic agreed upon previously during the course. The project will be delivered before the exam and presented during the exam. The overall evaluation includes: the data research and acquisition, the analysis and presentation of the data, the quality of the written report, the clarity of the oral presentation.