21210448 - Monetary economics

The course aims to provide students with the tools needed to understand the functioning of a monetary economy and the operative aspects of Central Bank monetary policies. It explains what money is, the different approaches to the determinants of the demand for money and its supply, and the real effects of monetary factors in the short and the long run according to the main macroeconomic theories. Knowledge of basic microeconomic and macroeconomic notions is a prerequisite for the course.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


1. Money and the financial markets
2. The demand for money
3. The supply of money
4. Money, prices, and output
5. The transmission channels of monetary policy
6. The Taylor rule and the inflation targeting

Testi Adottati

Arcelli M. (2007), L’economia monetaria e la politica monetaria dell’Unione Europea, Cedam

Levrero E.S. (2023), Slides and supplementary notes on monetary economics

Modalità Frequenza

There is no obligation to attend

Modalità Valutazione

The written test consists of 6 questions, two relating to the institutional part of the course on the functions of money and the instruments of monetary policy, three questions with a short answer on the theoretical part and one question on a topic of the program to be answered in more depth . Passing the written test is a prerequisite for admission to the final evaluation.