21210221 - Politica Economica

The objective of the course is the understanding of the main economic policies and institutions and the analysis of their roles, functions and regulations. The course helps to build a good economic knowledge on fiscal and monetary policies in closed and open economies, redistributive policy, and structural reforms, with a focus on current economic and political topics (i.e. the current debate on the Eurozone).
scheda docente | materiale didattico


What is Economic policy? Microeconomic and macroeconomic market failures. The normative theory of economic policy. Microeconomic policy tools. The anti-monopoly policies. Policies with externalities and public goods. Redistributive policies. Macroeconomic objectives and tools in an open economy. Monetary policy. Fiscal policy. Policies for the balance of payments. Trade policies.
Economic policy in the digital age.
Analysis of the economic reports of national and international institutions.

Testi Adottati

Acocella N. Politica economica e strategie aziendali, VII edition, Carocci, 2020.
Cellini R. Politica economica. Introduzione ai modelli fondamentali, III ed. McGrawHill, 2019
Other material:
Slides of the lessons, articles, reports and other material will be available on the course's web page.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is not mandatory but strongly recommended.

Modalità Valutazione

The assessment is based on a written exam and an optional oral exam. Attending students have the option of taking a mid-term test.