21210178 - Economia e Politiche dell’Innovazione

The course aims to provide students with the basic notions of the Economics of Innovation and the related public policies. Particular attention will be given to the study of the economic and social effects of the digital transformation and of the diffusion of environmental technologies. The Italian case will be analyzed with reference to industrial, science and technology policies.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


General Part

- Introduction to the Economics of Innovation
- Innovation and Performance: Growth, Employment, Productivity, Export, Environment
- Diffusion and impact of digital technologies
- The theoretical foundations of Science, Innovation and Technology Policies
- Public policies for eco-innovation

The Italian case

- The characteristics of the Italian innovation system
- The role of public enterprises in the technological and industrial development of Italy
- Industrial Policy in Italy

Testi Adottati

Franco Malerba, Economia dell’Innovazione, Carocci editore
M. Mazzucato, Lo Stato Innovatore, Laterza, 2014

Reading list

Amatori, F., Bugamelli, M., Colli, A. (2011). Italian firms in history: size, technology and entrepreneurship. Bank of Italy Economic History Working Papers, 13, pp. 1–53.

Antonelli C., Barbiellini Amidei F., Fassio C. (2014). The mechanisms of knowledge governance: State owned enterprises and Italian economic growth, 1950–1994. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol. 31, pp. 43-63.

Archibugi D. and Filippetti A., (2015). Knowledge as Global Public Good. In: The Handbook of Global Science, Technology, and Innovation, First Edition. Daniele Archibugi and Andrea Filippetti (eds). DOI: 10.1111/b.9781118739068.2015.00025.x.

Archibugi D. and Filippetti A., (2017). The retreat of public research and its adverse consequences on innovation. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Article in Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2017.05.022

Calvino F. and Virgillito M. E., (2017). The innovation-employment nexus: a critical survey of theory and empirics. Journal of Economic Surveys, DOI: 10.1111/joes.12190.

Centro Economia Digitale (2020), Libro Bianco sull’Economia Digitale.

Centro Economia Digitale (2019),Il ruolo dell’innovazione e dell’alta tecnologia in Italia nel confronto con il contesto internazionale.

Cerulli, G., Poti, B., 2012. Designing ex-post assessment of corporate RDI policies: conceptualization, indicators and modeling. World Rev. Sci. Technol. Sustain. Dev. 9, 2–4.

Valeria Cirillo, Rinaldo Evangelista,⁎, Dario Guarascio, Matteo Sostero (2020). Digitalization, routineness and employment: An exploration on Italian task- based data, Research Policy.

Costantini, V., Crespi, F., Martini, C., Pennacchio, L., (2015). Demand-pull and technology-push public support for eco-innovation: The case of the biofuels sector, Research Policy, Vol. 44, pp. 577-595.

Costantini V., Crespi F., Palma, A., (2017), Characterizing the policy mix and its impact on eco-innovation: a patent analysis of energy-efficient technologies, Research Policy, Vol. 46, pp. 799-819.

Costantini, V., Crespi, F., Marin, G., Paglialunga, E. (2017). Eco-innovation, sustainable supply chains and environmental performance in European industries. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 155, pp. 141-154.

V Costantini, F Crespi, E Paglialunga (2018), The employment impact of private and public actions for energy efficiency: Evidence from European industries, Energy Policy 119, 250-267

V Costantini, F Crespi, E Paglialunga, G Sforna, System Transition and Structural Change Processes in the Energy Efficiency of Residential Sector: Evidence from EU Countries, SPRU Working Paper 2018.

Goldstein A., (2003). Privatization in Italy 1993 - 2002: Goals, Institutions, Outcomes, and Outstanding Issues. CESifo Working Paper Series No. 912. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=396324

Guarascio D., Pianta M., Bogliacino F., (2016). Export, R&D and new products. A model and a test on European industries. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 26 (4), pp. 869-905.

Munari F., Roberts E. B., Sobrero M., (2002). Privatization processes and the redefinition of corporate R&D boundaries. Research policy, Vol. 31, pp. 31-53.

Sabrina Pastorelli, Lo stato imprenditore e la qualificazione tecnologica dello sviluppo economico italiano: l'esperienza dell'iri nei primi decenni del secondo dopoguerra, Banca d’Italia, Quaderni dell’ufficio ricerche storiche, 12 , Dicembre 2006.

Modalità Erogazione

Front lectures. Lectures are not recorded.

Modalità Valutazione

The course assessment will be based on a small dissertation that students will present during the second part of the course, and on a final written exam. The written exam is based on three open questions on the topics of the course.

scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 21210178 Economia e Politiche dell’Innovazione in Economia dell'ambiente, lavoro e sviluppo sostenibile LM-56 CRESPI FRANCESCO


General Part

- Introduction to the Economics of Innovation
- Innovation and Performance: Growth, Employment, Productivity, Export, Environment
- Diffusion and impact of digital technologies
- The theoretical foundations of Science, Innovation and Technology Policies
- Public policies for eco-innovation

The Italian case

- The characteristics of the Italian innovation system
- The role of public enterprises in the technological and industrial development of Italy
- Industrial Policy in Italy

Testi Adottati

Franco Malerba, Economia dell’Innovazione, Carocci editore
M. Mazzucato, Lo Stato Innovatore, Laterza, 2014

Reading list

Amatori, F., Bugamelli, M., Colli, A. (2011). Italian firms in history: size, technology and entrepreneurship. Bank of Italy Economic History Working Papers, 13, pp. 1–53.

Antonelli C., Barbiellini Amidei F., Fassio C. (2014). The mechanisms of knowledge governance: State owned enterprises and Italian economic growth, 1950–1994. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol. 31, pp. 43-63.

Archibugi D. and Filippetti A., (2015). Knowledge as Global Public Good. In: The Handbook of Global Science, Technology, and Innovation, First Edition. Daniele Archibugi and Andrea Filippetti (eds). DOI: 10.1111/b.9781118739068.2015.00025.x.

Archibugi D. and Filippetti A., (2017). The retreat of public research and its adverse consequences on innovation. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Article in Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2017.05.022

Calvino F. and Virgillito M. E., (2017). The innovation-employment nexus: a critical survey of theory and empirics. Journal of Economic Surveys, DOI: 10.1111/joes.12190.

Centro Economia Digitale (2020), Libro Bianco sull’Economia Digitale.

Centro Economia Digitale (2019),Il ruolo dell’innovazione e dell’alta tecnologia in Italia nel confronto con il contesto internazionale.

Cerulli, G., Poti, B., 2012. Designing ex-post assessment of corporate RDI policies: conceptualization, indicators and modeling. World Rev. Sci. Technol. Sustain. Dev. 9, 2–4.

Valeria Cirillo, Rinaldo Evangelista,⁎, Dario Guarascio, Matteo Sostero (2020). Digitalization, routineness and employment: An exploration on Italian task- based data, Research Policy.

Costantini, V., Crespi, F., Martini, C., Pennacchio, L., (2015). Demand-pull and technology-push public support for eco-innovation: The case of the biofuels sector, Research Policy, Vol. 44, pp. 577-595.

Costantini V., Crespi F., Palma, A., (2017), Characterizing the policy mix and its impact on eco-innovation: a patent analysis of energy-efficient technologies, Research Policy, Vol. 46, pp. 799-819.

Costantini, V., Crespi, F., Marin, G., Paglialunga, E. (2017). Eco-innovation, sustainable supply chains and environmental performance in European industries. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 155, pp. 141-154.

V Costantini, F Crespi, E Paglialunga (2018), The employment impact of private and public actions for energy efficiency: Evidence from European industries, Energy Policy 119, 250-267

V Costantini, F Crespi, E Paglialunga, G Sforna, System Transition and Structural Change Processes in the Energy Efficiency of Residential Sector: Evidence from EU Countries, SPRU Working Paper 2018.

Goldstein A., (2003). Privatization in Italy 1993 - 2002: Goals, Institutions, Outcomes, and Outstanding Issues. CESifo Working Paper Series No. 912. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=396324

Guarascio D., Pianta M., Bogliacino F., (2016). Export, R&D and new products. A model and a test on European industries. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 26 (4), pp. 869-905.

Munari F., Roberts E. B., Sobrero M., (2002). Privatization processes and the redefinition of corporate R&D boundaries. Research policy, Vol. 31, pp. 31-53.

Sabrina Pastorelli, Lo stato imprenditore e la qualificazione tecnologica dello sviluppo economico italiano: l'esperienza dell'iri nei primi decenni del secondo dopoguerra, Banca d’Italia, Quaderni dell’ufficio ricerche storiche, 12 , Dicembre 2006.

Modalità Erogazione

Front lectures. Lectures are not recorded.

Modalità Valutazione

The course assessment will be based on a small dissertation that students will present during the second part of the course, and on a final written exam. The written exam is based on three open questions on the topics of the course.