- Zolea, R., (2023), “Link identifier #identifier__12080-1Il socialismo nel XXI secolo“, Economia e Politica, a. 15, n. 25, sem. 1
- Crespi, F., Ruggiero, M., & Scellato, G. (2022). “Link identifier #identifier__3684-2Innovation persistence“. In Elgar Encyclopedia on the Economics of Knowledge and Innovation (pp. 221-228). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Zolea, R., Gallo, E., (2022), “Link identifier #identifier__162844-3Sacrificare vite sull’altare della ripartenza economica è una strategia perdente“, Menabò di Etica ed Economia, n. 165/2022
- Zolea, R., (2022), “Link identifier #identifier__13758-4I “fan token” tra diritto, nuove tecnologie e finanza“, in Tigor. Rivista di scienze della comunicazione e di argomentazione giuridica, a. 14, n. 2, pp. 127-133
- Zolea, R., (2022), “Link identifier #identifier__165013-5Le cause economiche della guerra“, in Menabò di Etica ed Economia, n. 184
- Zolea, R., (2022), “Link identifier #identifier__5055-6La BCE sta neutralizzando i tassi negativi?“, Economia e Politica, a. 14, n. 23, sem. 1
- Zolea, R., (2022), “Link identifier #identifier__37072-7A Functional Analysis of the Banking Industry“, Collana di Working Papers del Dipartimento di Economia (Università degli Studi Roma Tre), n. 269.
- Zolea, R., (2022), “Link identifier #identifier__182526-8A Model of the Relationship between the Interest Rate and the Profit Rate“, Centro Sraffa Working Paper, n. 55
- Zolea, R., (2022), “Link identifier #identifier__150759-9A History of the Relationship Between Interest Rate and Profit Rate in Heterodox Approaches“, International Journal of Political Economy, vol. 51, n. 2, pp. 121-136
- Barbieri Góes, M. C., & Gallo, E. (2021): Link identifier #identifier__166446-10Infection Is the Cycle: Unemployment, Output and Economic Policies in the COVID-19 Pandemic, Review of Political Economy, 33 (3), 377-393
- Barbieri Góes, M. C. (2021): “Personal Income Distribution and Progressive Taxation in a Neo-Kaleckian Model: Insights from the Italian Case.” in Rochon l. P., Czachor M., Bachurewicz G. R., eds, Kalecki and Kaleckian Economics Understanding the Economics of Michał Kalecki and His Legacy after 50 Years, Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN 9781032135731
- Condemi, C., Mastroeni, L. and Vellucci, P. (2021). Selection of predictor variables to aggregate generation model, J. Energy Mark. 14.1
- Condemi, C., Casillas-Pérez, D., Mastroeni, L., Jiménez-Fernández, S., & Salcedo-Sanz, S. (2021). Hydro-power production capacity prediction based on machine learning regression techniques, Knowledge-Based Systems, 107012
- Riccardo Crescenzi, Fabrizio De Filippis, Mara Giua & Cristina Vaquero-Piñeiro (2021) Geographical Indications and local development: the strength of territorial embeddedness, Regional Studies, DOI: Link identifier #identifier__24182-1110.1080/00343404.2021.1946499
- Zolea R. (2021), “Link identifier #identifier__134280-12Il principio di differenza e la razionalità dell’adesione all’UE“, Menabò di Etica ed Economia, n. 149
- Zolea R. e Temperini J. (2021), “Link identifier #identifier__111975-13Socialismo, mercato o altro?“, Economia e Politica, a. 13, n. 21, sem. 1
- Zolea R. (2021), “Link identifier #identifier__133631-14La relazione tra saggio di profitto e tasso d’interesse e il ruolo della profittabilità bancaria“, Moneta e Credito, 74 (294) : 97-111
- Working Paper: “Link identifier #identifier__67460-15The relation between interest rate and profit rate: the role of bank profitability in an endogenous money framework“, Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA Paper), n. 108973, July 2021
- Zolea R. (2021), “Link identifier #identifier__58395-16De monetae natura“, Menabò di Etica ed Economia (n. 159/2021)
- Zolea R. e Temperini J. (2021), “Link identifier #identifier__152588-17Calcio e Cripto-Finanza“, in Economia e Politica, a. 13 n. 22, sem. 2.
- Barbieri Góes. M. C. (2020): Link identifier #identifier__17348-18Personal Income Distribution and Progressive Taxation in a Neo-Kaleckian Model: Insights from the Italian Case, Review of Political Economy, 32 (4), 615-639
- Barbieri Góes, M. C., & Gallo, E. (2020): Link identifier #identifier__135171-19A Predator-Prey Model of Unemployment and W-shaped Recession in the COVID-19 Pandemic. New School for Social Research, Department of Economics (No. 2006).
- Zolea, R. and Perri S. (2020). Link identifier #identifier__97334-20Una nuova rete di studiosi in Italia: nasce l’Italian Post-Keynesian Network (IPKN). Menabò di Etica ed Economia (n. 140/2020).
- Zolea, R. and Di Bucchianico S. (2020). Link identifier #identifier__51700-21Politiche monetarie con tassi di interesse negativo come soluzione alla crisi?. Menabò di Etica ed Economia (n. 134/2020).
- Vaquero-Piñeiro, C. (2020). Link identifier #identifier__134878-22Territorial identity as a facilitator of the EU funds absorption: evidence from the Common Agricultural Policy. WP 253 -2020 Working Papers (Dipartimento di Economia dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre).
Vaquero-Piñeiro, C. (2020). Link identifier #identifier__19193-23A voyage in the role of territory: are territories capable of instilling their peculiarities in local production systems?, WP 251 -2020 Working Papers (Dipartimento di Economia dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre).
- Zolea, R. (2020). Link identifier #identifier__107104-24Tassi negativi, ma anche no. Menabò di Etica ed Economia (n. 118/2020).
- Zolea, R. (2020). Link identifier #identifier__38308-25Una gabbia di regole. Menabò di Etica ed Economia (n. 121/2020).
- Barbieri Góes, M. C., Gallo, E. & Moraes, V. D. (2019): Link identifier #identifier__21763-26‘Original Sin’ in Latin America (2000-2015): Theory, Empirical Assessment and Alternatives. Revista de Economia, 40 (72)
- Barbieri Góes, M. C. (2019): Personal Income Distribution and Progressive Taxation in a Neo-Kaleckian Model: Insights from the Italian Case. Institute for International Political Economy (IPE), Berlin, Working Paper 126/2019.
- Deleidi ,M., Iafrate, F., Levrero E. S. (2019). Public investment fiscal multipliers: an empirical assessment for European countries. ( WP. n. 247 – 2019) ISSN 2279-6916 Working Papers (Dipartimento di Economia dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre). Link identifier #identifier__143227-27Link all’articolo
- Caravaggio, N., Caravella, S., Ishizaka, A., Resce, G. (2019). Beyond CO2: A multi-criteria analysis of air pollution in Europe. Journal of Cleaner Production , 219, 576-586. Link identifier #identifier__35155-28Link all’articolo
- Di Bucchianico, S. (2019). A critical analysis of the secular stagnation theory. (n. 245 – 2019) ISSN 2279-6916 Working Papers (Dipartimento di Economia dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre). Link identifier #identifier__145147-29Link all’articolo
- Davide De Gaetano (2018). Forecasting with GARCH models under structural breaks: An approach based on combinations across estimation windows. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation. DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2018.1520876
- Vaquero-Piñeiro C. (2018). Il territorio nelle produzioni agroalimentari: un’analisi del vitivinicolo in Umbria e Lazio. Economia Marche Journal of Applied Economics, XXXVII(1):1-17
- Cipollina, M., Cuffaro, N., & Giovanna D’Agostino (2018). Land Inequality and Economic Growth: A Meta-Analysis. Sustainability, 10(12), 4655.
- Fabrizio Antenucci (2018). China syndrome or not? Labour market effects of a greater trade openness in us manufacturing. (n. 242 – 2018) ISSN 2279-6916 Working Papers (Dipartimento di Economia dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre)
- Santiago Gahn, J. & González, A. (2018). On the “utilisation controversies”: a comment. Link identifier #identifier__8282-30Working Paper Series PKES.
- Grimaccia Elena, Naccarato Alessia. Food Insecurity Individual Experience: A Comparison of Economic and Social Characteristics of the Most Vulnerable Groups in the World, Luglio 2018, Social Indicators Research
- Grimaccia Elena, Maggino Filomena, Naccarato Alessia. Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Validation of an experience-based food insecurity Scale. 2018. Link identifier #identifier__101873-31Social Indicators Research (submitted).
- Grimaccia Elena, Naccarato Alessia. Economic and social factors of food insecurity: A study of individual vulnerability at the global level. 2018. Bio-based and Applied Economics Journal, Firenze University Press (submitted).
- Grimaccia Elena, Rondinella Tommaso, A novel perspective in the analysis of sustainability, inclusion and smartness of growth through Europe 2020 indicators In Cira Perna, Monica Pratesi, Anne Riuz-Gazen (editors) Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 2018 Springer.
- Davide De Gaetano. 2018 Forecast Combinations in the Presence of Structural Breaks: Evidence from U.S. Equity Markets. Mathematics, 6(3), 34.
- Martina Iorio; Monni, S.; Barbara, B. 2018. The Brazilian Amazon: a resource curse or renewed colonialism? Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues Volume 5(3): 438-451.
- Monni, S., Martina Iorio, Realini, A. (2018) “Water as freedom in the Brazilian Amazon”, in Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, Volume 5(4): 812-826.
- Santiago Gahn, J. (2017). Control de cambios y brecha cambiaria en Argentina (1946-2016). Revista Propuestas para el Desarrollo, year I, number I, pages 15-34.
- Santiago Gahn, J. (2017). Control de cambios en perspectiva histórica: el caso argentino luego de Bretton Woods. Book Chapter. BE07 – ISBN 978-987-3700-67-5 – 2017 E-Book – ISBN digital 978-987-3700-72-9 – 2017.
- De Matteis, D., Ishizaka, A., & Giuliano Resce. (2017). The ‘postcode lottery’of the Italian public health bill analysed with the hierarchy Stochastic Multiobjective Acceptability Analysis. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences.
- Ishizaka, A., Giuliano Resce, Mareschal, B. (2017). Visual Management of Performance with PROMETHEE Productivity Analysis, Soft Computing (forthcoming)
- Alfiero, S., Elba, F., Esposito, A., and Giuliano Resce, 2017. The Impact of Environmental Factors on the Measurement of Managerial Efficiency in the Italian Waste Management Sector: Framework and Empirical Evidence. International Journal of Public Administration Vol. 40 , Iss. 10.
- Exploring health outcomes by stochastic multi-objective acceptability analysis: an application to Italian regions di R. Lagravinese, P. Liberati, e Giuliano Resce. B2017-3. Working Papers Universidade de Vigo, Collection B: Regional and sectoral economics.
- W.P. n. 219 – A Bootstrap Bias Correction of long run fourth order moment estimation in the CUSUM of squares test di Davide De Gaetano (n. 220 – 2017) ISSN 2279-6916 Working Papers (Dipartimento di Economia dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre)
- Nicola Caravaggio, Costantini, V., Martina Iorio, Monni, S. and Elena Paglialunga (2017). The challenge of hydro-power as a sustainable development alternative: Benefits and controversial effects in the case of the Brazilian Amazon. In: Fadda, S. and Tridico, P. (Eds.) Inequality and Uneven Development in the Post-Crisis World. Taylor & Francis Ltd.
- W.P. n. 219 – Forecasting with GARCH models under structural breaks: an approach based on combinations across estimation windows di Davide De Gaetano (n. 219 – 2017) ISSN 2279-6916 Working Papers (Dipartimento di Economia dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre)
- W.P. n. 217 – How does Economic Social and Cultural Status affect the efficiency of educational attainments? A comparative analysis on PISA results di Raffaele Lagravinese – Paolo Liberati – Giuliano Resce (n. 217 – 2017) ISSN 2279-6916 Working Papers (Dipartimento di Economia dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre).
- Patrizii, V., Pettini, A., Giuliano Resce (2016). The Cost of Well-Being. Social Indicators Research, 1-26.
- Alfiero S., Elba F., Esposito A., Giuliano Resce (2016) Italian Saving Banks efficiency, is unity strength? Bank groups versus stand-alone. Conference Proceedings, 34th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics, MME 2016.
- Nicola Caravaggio, Martina Iorio (2016). Management of water resources in the Amazon Region. In: Gorse, C. and Dastbaz, M. (Eds.) Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design: Selected Proceedings from the International Conference of Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society (SEEDS). Springer. pp. 279-292.
- W.P. n. 213 – Large Scale Land Investments and Forests in Africa di Caterina Conigliani – Nadia Cuffaro – Giovanna D’Agostino (n. 213 – 2016) ISSN 2279-6916 Working papers (Dipartimento di Economia dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre).
- W.P. n. 212 – Multivariate Method of Simulated Quantiles di Mauro Bernardi – Lea Petrella – Paola Stolfi (n. 212 – 2016) ISSN 2279-6916 Working Papers (Dipartimento di Economia dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre).
- W.P. n. 208 – Forecast Combinations for Realized Volatility in Presence of Structural Breaks di Davide De Gaetano (n. 208 – 2016) ISSN 2279-6916 Working Papers (Dipartimento di Economia dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre).
- Patrizii, V., Giuliano Resce (2015). Public Sector Contribution to Competitiveness. Italian Economic Journal,1(3), 401-443.
- Pettini, A., Patrizii, V., Giuliano Resce (2015). The Cost of Well-Being. CESifo Working Paper No. 5463.
- Antonio Mele, D’Angiolo M. e Mele R. (2015). Il rischio di nuova perdita di centralità del Mar Mediterraneo: da “Mare Nostrum” a mare “di transito”. Pubblicato negli atti del convegno del Sorrento Meeting 2015: Mezzogiorni d’Europa e Mediterraneo: Logistica e mobilità delle merci – Osservatorio Regionale Banche-Imprese di Economia e Finanza.
- W.P. n. 202 – Does the one who pays the piper really call the tune? OECD and Chinese aid to infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa di Daniele Pianeselli (n. 202 – 2015) ISSN 2279-6916 Working papers (Dipartimento di Economia dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre).
- Giuliano Resce (2014). Eco-efficienza con Data Envelopment Analysis. Working Papers – Economics, WP06/2014, Department of Sciences for Economics and Management, University of Florence.
- Patrizii, V., Pettini, A., Giuliano Resce (2014). Efficienza e Qualità della Vita. Working Papers – Economics, WP12/2014, Department of Sciences for Economics and Management, University of Florence.
- Patrizii, V., Giuliano Resce (2013). Public Sector contribution to competitiveness. Report on decomposable indicators on industrial competitiveness and business collaboration and CWE, Deliverable 9.2, BLUE-ETS.
- Patrizii, V., Giuliano Resce (2013). Municipal Police Costs and Efficiency. Economia dei Servizi, 3, 221-238, ISSN: 1970-4860.
- Giuliano Resce (2012). Efficienza dei servizi pubblici comunali. Rivista di Studi sullo Stato, University of Florence, ISSN: 2038-4882.
The working papers by the Department of Economics’ faculty can be found at Link identifier #identifier__34210-32the working papers archive
16 July 2024