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Frequently Asked Questions

Link identifier #identifier__72182-6Visa and residence permit for students

Citizens of countries within the European Union can enter Italy with a passport or identity card and have the right to stay for study or work for as long as they want. However, it is necessary to register with the Police Headquarters to obtain residency and therefore it is necessary to make sure that you have all the documents required for this procedure before leaving your country of origin.

Non-EU citizens are instead required to apply for a study visa through the Link identifier #identifier__151387-7Universitaly portal before leaving their country of origin. An appointment must be made at the nearest Italian Embassy or Consulate. Be sure to start the procedure well in advance or your intended travel date to Italy. These procedures are subject to change and can vary based on where you live, so it is worth calling the embassy or checking the website for information before going to the visa office in person.

Residence permit

Citizens of countries within the European Union can stay in Italy for three months without a residence permit but must register with the police headquarters (Declaration of Presence). If you stay in Rome for more than three consecutive months, you must register with the municipality of the district of residence in Rome (Registry Registration).
Link identifier #identifier__35809-8http://www.poliziadistato.it/

After obtaining a visa from the Italian consulate or Embassy within their home country, Non-EU citizens are required to apply for a residence permit within 8 working days of their arrival in Italy. Applications can be submitted to an Italian Post Office (with a Sportello Amico), to the Patronati, or to the Municipalities.
The post office will then give you an appointment at the “Questura” where they will take your fingerprints for your residence permit. The appointment is usually a few months after you apply due to the high volume of applicants, but they will give you a temporary residence permit which you will need to bring to your appointment. A few months after your Questura appointment, your residence permit will be sent to a police station nearest to your address in Rome and you will need to go pick it up on or after the date they specify during your appointment.
Link identifier #identifier__183143-9http://www.poliziadistato.it/articolo/10617/

For more information on visas and residence permits, you can visit the following websites
Link identifier #identifier__180724-10http://www.poliziadistato.it/articolo/10716/
Link identifier #identifier__50985-11http://www.esteri.it

Link identifier #identifier__119288-12Equivalence of foreign qualifications

In the sector for evaluation and recognition of qualifications, a qualification is defined as equivalent to another when both, issued by official institutions and officially part of the national system of reference, produce all legal effects and have the same legal value. Equivalence is a form of academic recognition that is based on the analytical evaluation of a foreign higher education qualification with the aim of verifying whether it corresponds in detail in terms of level and content to a similar Italian university qualification, to the extent that it can be defined as equivalent and recognized as the same legal effect. The evaluation is carried out by comparing the foreign qualification with the qualification issued by an Italian university.

For Non-EU students, the process differs based on the corresponding Italian Consulate or Embassy in your home country so it is recommended to check with your specific consulate or embassy. In most cases, it requires the person who issued your diplomas and transcripts and a notary public from your high school and university to sign the back of the forms. Then you must take the diplomas and transcripts with the signature of the issuer and the notary public to a state official who approves the notary’s signature and attaches what is called an “apostille.” The Apostille (along with your documents) is then evaluated by an official at the Italian consulate or embassy located in the region of your high school and university (please note that this may differ from the consulate or embassy that you need to go to for the visa). In most cases, it is also required to have a formal translation of all documents into Italian by an appointed official translator (which can be found on the consulate or embassy website).
Once the documents and official translation is validated by the official at your consulate or embassy, they will give you what is called a “dichiarazione di valore” (declaration of value) which will be attached to all of your documents. It is important to complete this process well in advance because the consulate or embassy will not be able to release your passport and visa without this confirmation of your qualifications. If you need to go to a different consulate or embassy for your qualification evaluation than the consulate or embassy where you live, the consulates will communicate with each other, but it is important that you notify them before or during your appointment.

There is another option to verify your qualifications called CIMEA, but not all consulates and embassies accept this process. You can check with the consulate or embassy in the region of your schools and residence and ask if they accept CIMEA verification. This process is more costly, but it is more efficient (more info on this process can be found at CIMEA.it).

Make sure that the “diachiarazione di valore” stays attached to your documents and keep it safe because you will then give this to the University of Roma Tre office of postgraduates to evaluate that your qualifications match the Italian equivalence and need this to issue your degree in human development and food security. They will give all of your documents back after the evaluation.

Italian universities can evaluate foreign academic qualifications by applying Articles 2 and 3 of Law 148/02 (implementing the Lisbon Convention), in order to issue similar Italian qualifications. For more information visit:
Link identifier #identifier__177483-13https://portalestudente.uniroma3.it/iscrizioni/iscrizione-con-titolo-estero/

Link identifier #identifier__37703-14Erasmus Student Network (ESN)

The Erasmus Student Network is a non-profit international student organization. Our mission is to represent international students, thus providing opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development according to the principle “students helping students.”
Link identifier #identifier__126471-15https://romatre.esn.it
Link identifier #identifier__117971-16https://www.uniroma3.it/studenti/studenti-futuri/studenti-internazionali/

Link identifier #identifier__147571-17Health Insurance

In Italy the national health system is ensured by a public health service (ASL – Local health Authorities). Only foreign citizens in possession of a valid residence card or residence permit can request the service. It is not necessary for students to subscribe to the national health service, but it is recommended.
Link identifier #identifier__166052-18http://www.prefettura.it/roma/contenuti/4940.htm

EU students are required to have the E111 or an equivalent form in order to be eligible for coverage by the health service. The ASLs (local health authorities) provide health service and are located throughout the city (districts). To enroll in the ASL, students must contact the ASL registry of the district in which they live. Upon registration, you will be given a health card and you can choose a general practitioner. Medical examinations are free and are carried out in the doctor’s office. Specialist visits must be requested and booked through the ASL. All exams require the payment of the so-called “ticket,” equivalent to a part of the total cost (which anyone can pay).

In order to register you must bring:

  • Identity card/passport
  • The E111 form or any other equivalent form
  • Proof of enrollment at Roma Tre

Non-EU students must demonstrate that they have certified health insurance coverage (it is advisable to have a copy certified by the consulate or embassy of Italy). Please note that you will need our signature on the insurance contract if you only have a student visa to enter Italy but not a residence permit. Otherwise, coverage can be arranged through other insurance agents.
An affordable health insurance provider that is accepted by most consulates and embassies is “Welcome Association Italy” (WAI) which provides health insurance for students for one year and can be renewed (you can find more information on their website, waitaly.net). Be sure to check with your consulate and embassy to confirm that this option (or whichever provider you choose) is accepted.

Emergency room
It is not necessary to be registered with the national healthcare service to be admitted to the ER if it is an emergency. However, you must have an identity card/passport (and form E111 or equivalent if you are an EU citizen). The permanent first aid (Permanent Medical Guard) provides a first aid service at home. If you have private health insurance, follow their instructions.

Link identifier #identifier__114876-19Housing and accommodation

The University of Roma Tre does not have dormitories but offers a free service to its international students [Link identifier #identifier__144025-20Uniroma3 Accomodation Service] which offers adequate housing solutions for students looking for accommodation in Rome (single, double, study, etc.). Students can access a list of privately owned apartments (accommodation), where they can view and select an option in advance, with clearly stated conditions and a transparent rental agreement.

Find accommodation in Rome
For accommodation, please find useful information on the following websites:
Link identifier #identifier__37213-21https://www.subito.it
Link identifier #identifier__164685-22http://www.portaportese.it/rubriche/Immobiliare/Affitto_-_Subaffitto/
Link identifier #identifier__178208-23http://www.kijiji.it/case/affitto/annunci-roma/

The areas of Rome closest to our faculty of economics are the following: San Paolo, Piramide-Ostiense, Aventino Testaccio, Marconi, Garbatella, Trastevere. The availability of a good bus and metro service is essential for the size and traffic of the city. Try to be flexible in your requests and know that the market offers more shared rooms than single rooms.
Additionally, your hosts and owners can expect you to accept strict rules regarding guests, parties, reimbursement of damages, etc. Before signing a lease, make sure you understand clearly what you should and should not do. The monthly prices for a single/double room vary from a minimum of €400.00 to a maximum of €600.00 depending on the area and the services offered. A security deposit is always required. Utilities such as electricity, gas and heating can be extra – make sure you know exactly what bills you should expect. In Italy bills are payed every two months. Normally with a temporary lease you are not responsible for other expenses, such as building maintenance or water and waste disposal costs.
Please note that if you wish to suddenly change your shared room/apartment you must inform the landlord/landlady and your flatmates at least 1 month in advance in order to allow them time to find a replacement. It will be your responsibility to find new accommodation.

A few housing options for the first few days in Rome
Link identifier #identifier__178196-24http://www.bed-and-breakfast-in-italy.com/
Link identifier #identifier__45862-25http://www.hostelbooking.com

Link identifier #identifier__188753-26Link identifier #identifier__173486-27Link identifier #identifier__99309-28Link identifier #identifier__86585-29