Who we are

Director of the master

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Link identifier #identifier__185653-1Pasquale De Muro

Pasquale De Muro is a professor of Human Development and Economics and Social Policy in the Department of Economics at The University of Roma Tre in Italy. He holds an MSc (1987) and a PhD (1990) which he received from the University of Naples “Federico II.” He founded and is the coordinator of the Master in Human Development, Food Security and Sustainability at the University of Roma Tre. He has collaborated with international agencies (FAO, IFAD, UNDP, World Bank) and has been a lecturer at the University of Glasgow, the University of Ouagadougou and the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Since 1993, he has been carrying out training, research and development cooperation activities in sub-Saharan Africa. Since 2017, he has been a consultant for the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS). His current research interests and publications concern human and economic development, the capability approach, poverty and wellbeing, hunger and food security, inequality and social justice, rural development and sub-Saharan Africa.

Course Coordinators

image 196998Link identifier #identifier__114985-2Elisabetta Aurino (Sustainable Human Development)

Elisabetta is an economist with a focus on global food security issues, child and adolescent development, and food-related social protection programmes such as school feeding. Her work is highly multidisciplinary, lying at the intersection of food security and child & adolescent development, and aims at tackling key policy issues in the context of low and middle-income countries.


image 33318Link identifier #identifier__115254-3Francesco Burchi (Sustainable Human Development)

Francesco Burchi has been a Senior Researcher at the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) since April 2013. He has a PhD in Development Economics and is currently the coordinator of the “Sustainable Human Development” course of the Master in Human Development, Food Security and Sustainability at The University of Roma Tre. His interests include poverty and inequality, social protection, food security and nutrition, impact assessment, and gender equality.


image 176132Fernanda Guerrieri (Food Security and Equality)

Fernanda Guerrieri holds a BA in Agronomy with Honors from the University of Bologna in Italy, and a diploma in River Basin Management from the International Institute of Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC) in Enschede, Netherlands which she received with Honors. From 1988 to 2018, she worked for the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). She has held numerous positions within FAO, such as the position of Assistant to the Director General / Head of Cabinet of the Director General and assistant to the Director General for Business Services (Finance, Purchasing, Security, Local, etc.) in Rome. She currently coordinates the Food Security and Equality Course within the Master of Human Development, Food Security  and Sustainability at the University of Rome Tre along with Professor Nora McKeon. Additionally, she manages a large organic family farm in central Italy.

image 176571Matteo Mazziotta (Quantitative Techniques and Research Methods)

Matteo Mazziotta is a researcher at the National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT), and has been teaching the master from the first edition. He is an expert in statistical methods for measuring multidimensional socio-economic phenomena through the application of composite indices. His work on this topic has been published in the most prestigious international reviews.


image 30560Nora McKeon (Food Security and Equality)

Nora McKeon has worked at FAO for many years, promoting cooperation with civil society and food producers. Now she is involved in research, teaching and defense of food systems movements and governance. She teaches at the University of Roma Tre and at the International University College of Turin. Her publications include: The United Nations and Civil Society (Zed 2009), Food Security Governance (Routledge 2015), ‘Critiquing the Concept of Multi-stakeholder Governance of Food Security’ (Globalizations Vol 14 2017 issue 3), and ‘Reclaiming Democracy from below,’ (Globalizations Vol 17 2020 issue 7).


image 92145Link identifier #identifier__101661-4Silvia Nenci (Development and Environmental Economics)

Silvia Nenci is a professor of economic policy at the University of Roma Tre. She is the coordinator for the Master in Environmental and Development Economics and for the Master in Human Development, Food Security and Sustainability at the University of Roma Tre. She has worked for various research institutes in Italy and abroad and on national and international research projects concerning the international economy and trade policy. She has consultancy experience with various international institutions, including the Inter-American Development Bank, the Global Development Network, FAO, and the United Nations International Trade Center. Her research interests include international trade, trade policy, international trade and development, global value chains, and policy impact assessment.

image 43171Link identifier #identifier__121480-5Mattia Prayer Galletti (Empowering Rural People)

Mattia Prayer Galletti is the Lead Technical Specialist at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), with particular attention to indigenous peoples and tribal issues. Prayer Galletti joined IFAD in 1988. For more than twenty years, he worked as the Country Program Manager in the Asia and Pacific Division, overseeing national programs in Bhutan, Laos, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, the Pacific sub-region, Iran, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, and India. In 2011 he moved to IFAD’s Independent Assessment Office as a Senior Assessment Officer, responsible for company-wide assessments. Prayer Galletti holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Bologna in Italy, and a master’s degree in agri-food systems economics and development studies from the University of Geneva in Switzerland. He also teaches at UC Berkeley during the fall semester.

image 167737Link identifier #identifier__136886-6Federico Roscioli (Research Methods)

Federico Roscioli is an economist with international experience in monitoring and evaluating development projects. He has past experience as a professional photojournalist. He works as a consultant for various International Organizations and Research Institutes. He has been teaching within the Master in Human Development and Food Security at the University of Roma Tre since 2018, and is the coordinator of the Research Methods course. His research interests include poverty, social protection, food security and nutrition, impact assessment, and environmental sustainability.


image 131261Cristiana Sparacino (Empowering Rural People)

Cristiana is an agriculture and rural development expert and practitioner with nearly 20 years of experience as Country Programme Manager at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), most always in West and Central Africa. She has also research and work experience in Asia, Latin America, the Near East, North Africa and Central Europe. As Country Programme Manager, her work focused on project and programme design to implementation support, strategy development, partnership building and policy dialogue as well as supporting innovations and undertaking knowledge management activities. Cristiana has a Doctorate in Agricultural Economics from the University of Rome, La Sapienza (1996), a Master of Science in Economics from the London School of Economics (1995) and a Laurea in Economics from the University of Rome, La Sapienza (1991). She has coordinated the Empowering Rural People Course of the Master’s in Human Development, Food Security and Sustainability since its outset.

Link identifier #identifier__140181-7Organization chart of the master.

Other professors

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SAMANTHA NUNZIATI 17 February 2023