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Link identifier #identifier__14204-1CEFIP aims to develop research in the field of public finance and public economics. Particular attention is paid to the following topics: a) the analysis of the economic and distributive effects of the public budget on economic growth and inequality; b) the use of public expenditures and the evaluation of their impact on the economic system; c) the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of public policies; d) the analysis of European public finance rules; e) the impact of digitalisation and new technologies on the functioning of the public administration; f) the study of methods and forms of public intervention in the environmental field. In its research activity, CEFIP favours the application of bot theoretical and empirical tools. CEFIP is also a place of discussion and elaboration involving teachers, representatives from the institutions, experts and researchers, consistently with the interdisciplinary aim of the research projects. The activity of CEFIP is also open to research fellows, PhD students and graduate students, both through specific forms of disclosure of the scientific content of the activity, and through the possible provision of scholarships. The activity of CEFIP may also be carried out in collaboration with Italian and foreign Universities, as well as with public institutions, private companies and other private or public bodies and associations.
- Theoretical and applied research;
- Organization of seminars and conferences;
- Publications and working papers;
- Specialist advice;
- Training organized in connection with specific research projects.
HQ: Dipartimento di Economia dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Via Silvio D’Amico 77, 00145, Roma.
Link identifier
Members of the Department of Economics of the University Roma Tre can start the procedure to join CEFIP by sending a request to Link identifier Italian and foreign academics, experts and scholars not belonging to the Department of Economics of the University of Roma Tre may also apply by sending a detailed curriculum vitae to Link identifier
nk identifier #identifier__185168