Human Development, Food Security and Sustainability

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In recent years, the actors involved in the fight against poverty have become increasingly aware of the effects of their action s. The concept of human development broadens the horizons of economic development and represents a new target for policies and actions on a local and global scale. It challenges the established paradigms of income growth, top-down democratization and cultural homogenization.
The challenge of applying the human development paradigm to action on a local and global scale is one of the current greatest challenges. The main objective is to combat widespread poverty and inequality in countries belonging to different geographical and economic areas of the world.

Although development opportunities are important, they must be accessible to everyone in a process of global social, and sustainable economic growth. Action must focus on the most vulnerable categories in order to create concrete ways of escaping from perverse mechanisms such as poverty traps.

The 1st level Master in Human Development, Food Security and Sustainability: tools for analysis and action intends to take up this challenge. It aims to facilitate a critical understanding of the structural causes of food insecurity and malnutrition while providing students with in-depth methods of research and analysis at the local and the global level.

The Master in Human Development, Food Security, and Sustainability, through a challenging post-graduate interdisciplinary path aims to develop skills such as the ability to create development strategies from the bottom up, to distinguish means and ends from a human development perspective, as embedded in the the social, economic, cultural, and environmental priorities of the populations, and  promoting   effective paticipation of local actors.

Specific training objectives of the course

The Master aims to provide post-graduate specialist training in food security and human development, within an overall sustainability framework. The training process involves the acquisition of high theoretical and practical skills in the field of applied Statistical Analysis, Research Methods, Development and Environmental Economics, Empowering Rural People, Food Security and Equality, and Sustainable Human Development.
The master aims to train professional expertsable to understand  problems  related to hunger , disempowerment and marginalisation, and to equip them with valid tools  in order to propose solutions.

Employment opportunities

The master was created in order to satisfy the strong need to train professionals with specialized technical skills, through collaboration between the university and governmental and non-governmental organizations operating in the field of international development cooperation. Those who obtain the master’s degree will be awarded the title of ‘Expert in Human Development, Food Security and Sustainability’all competences greatly demanded in international institutions, governmental agencies, and in various sectors of civil society.


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Contacts and Social Networks

Didactic Coordinator: Samantha Nunziati

Address: Via Silvio D’Amico 77 – 00145 Rome (Italy)
Email: Link identifier
Skype: humandev

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