scheda docente | materiale didattico


Teaching Syllabus 2023-24

Module I
1.Models of Economic growth
a.Harrod-Domar model
b.Neoclassical model
c.Kaldor model
d.Endogenous Growth Model

Module II
2.Inequality, Welfare Systems and Social Innovation in Europe
•Europeanisation and European Integration
•Origins and development of the European Economic Integration: the impact on growth & welfare
•Institutions (welfare) and economic growth (Rrodrik, Acemouglu)
•Globalisation and Welfare
• Migration
•Inequality and capitalism (Piketty)
•Poverty and income distribution
•Inequality, indebtedness, financialisation and the causes of the financial crisis
•Globalisation, Financialisation and Welfare
•The European Social model after the financial crisis (2007-12)
•Varieties of Capitalism and socio economic model in Europe
•Welfare Systems in Europe
•A Greater European Social model for a Greater Europe
•Social Innovation Policies
•The European Social model during and after the Pandemic crisis

Testi Adottati

see the web site : https://jmcelawesre.uniroma3.it/teaching/

Main Texts:

Theoretical part (I module, growth models):
•"Introduction to Economic Growth", by C. Jones, Norton & Co (third edition or any other editions): Chapter 2 (Solow) and Chapter 5 (5.1 and 5.2 only, endogenous growth – Romer)
•Nicholas Kaldor. “Alternative Theories of Distribution” The Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 23, No. 2. (1955 - 1956), pp. 83-100.
•Teaching materials, Tridico: “Main Traditional growth model”
•Articles, Slides, teaching materials distributed during the classes
•Photocopies can be found in the in the Library of the School on the name of Prof. Tridico

Additional reading list (optional):

On growth models:
Original articles of a) Harrod (1939) and Domar (1946) models, b) the Solow Model (1956), c) Kaldor models (1956), d) Endogenous growth models (Romer 1986 and Barro 1991), and e) Acemouglu et al., 2001, Rodrik et al., 2004; Piketty (Introduction to Capital in the 21st Century, 2014); Available online on the Jean Monnet web site and in the library.

On Welfare Systems (II module, useful for the essay)
•“Welfare e Lavoro prima e dopo Covid”. By Pasquale Tridico. Giappichelli. 2023.
•"The Political Economy of European Welfare Capitalism" by C. Hay and D. Wincott, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
•“The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism Gosta Esping-Andersen, Princeton University Press, 1990.
On European Integration (II module) useful for the essay):
•In Italian: "Le Politiche economiche dell'UE". Mondadori, 2016 by Umberto Triulzi (in particular chapter 3).
•Or in English: "European Economic Integration", by Frank Mcdonald and Stephen Dearden, Financial Times Press, 2005 (Part I and Introduction, pp 1-144).
These books can be found in the Library


Modalità Frequenza

NEW TEACHING HOURS SINCE 24 OCTOBER 2023 TUESDAY h. 15-17 room 18 WEDNESDAY h. 15-17 room 15 THURSDAY h. 15-17 room 15

Modalità Valutazione

sul sito personale del docente tutte le informazioni e il materiale del corso appena svolto (settembre - dicembre 2023) : https://jmcelawesre.uniroma3.it/teaching/ ESAME/EXAM IN ITALIAN OR IN ENGLISH 1. Written exam for the module I 2. Essay (tesina) for the module II For students attending the classes: An essay (tesina) presented in the class, plus a “reduced” written exam (on module I). For students not attending the classes: Written exam (full, on module I) plus an essay prepared by the student before and discussed with the teacher after the written exam (at the oral exam). Students can choose the essay among the titles proposed by the teacher on themes of the module II. Other activities (optional for students): 1 week study visit to European Institutions in Brussels International Conference, Seminars, Workshops, and Tutorials (NB. E' possibile sostenere l'esame in italiano e studiare su materiale in italiano. Per gli studenti che vogliano studiare l’esame in italiano, prendere in biblioteca la cartella a nome Tridico – Economic Growth and Welfare Systems con il materiale dell’esame)