Convegno Crossing Boundaries: Literary and Linguistic Intersections in Modernist Studies

Crossing Boundaries: Literary and Linguistic Intersections in Modernist Studies (22-24 May 2024)
Conference Description
In the last few years, revaluations of modernism(s) have considerably developed, showing a marked “expansive tendency”. The claims of recent revisionist studies concerning a variety of modernisms (diversely defined as “global”, “transnational”, or “postcolonial”) encourage reflection on both canonical and present forms of modernist poetics and works in cultural, linguistic, and media terms. Far from merely re-examining canonical works or expanding the canon, what is most centrally new in the new modernist studies is its openness to views associated with other studies’ approaches, be these gender, race, media, or popular culture studies. Moreover, the new modernist studies’ widening of its range of primary interests has been inextricable from an effort to enlarge the toolkit of methods and perspectives through which these new modernisms could be investigated. Crucially, critics have illustrated how scholarship in different areas continues to furnish new paradigms and lenses, reflecting explicitly on boundary crossings and cross-field interchanges. They have also emphasised how other disciplines – such as linguistics, stylistics, or translation studies – may intersect at, as well as with, literary and cultural studies, thus demonstrating the continuing productivity of modernist studies’ porousness. In accordance with claims that modernism’s original pursuit of interdisciplinarity should be revived and intensified, this conference aims to provide a venue for an extensive exploration of literary and linguistic intersections in (the new) modernist studies. It therefore proposes to bring together researchers from such diverse areas as linguistics, literary criticism, cultural and translation studies using a wide range of scholarly methodologies, so as to rethink and discuss new trends in approaching the early twentieth century.
Conference Venue
Roma Tre University, Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Sala Ignazio Ambrogio (Via del Valco di San Paolo 19, Rome)
Conference Organisers
Annalisa Federici (Link identifier, Savina Stevanato (Link identifier
Confirmed Plenary Speakers
Prof. Václav Paris (City University of New York), Prof. Violeta Sotirova (University of Nottingham), Prof. Enrico Terrinoni (Università per Stranieri di Perugia)

To follow the conference online, please use the shortened URLs: 
Link identifier #identifier__178801-322 May 2024

Link identifier #identifier__60463-423 May 2024
Link identifier #identifier__36638-524 May 2024

Link identifier #identifier__115639-6Flyer

Link identifier #identifier__60111-7Book of Abstracts

Link identifier #identifier__22244-8Programme

Link identifier #identifier__152128-9Brochure Crossing Boundaries

Link identifier #identifier__183041-10Poster Crossing Boundaries
Link identifier #identifier__175790-1Link identifier #identifier__138663-2Link identifier #identifier__173284-3Link identifier #identifier__193123-4