Colloqui di Fisica: Computational study of non-coding rna structures and their interaction with proteins

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Colloqui di Fisica: Computational study of non-coding rna structures and their interaction with proteins
Martedì 6 febbraio 2024  alle ore 14:30 la prof Letizia Chiodo del Research Unit Nonlinear Physics and Mathematical Models, Department of Engineering del Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, terrà il Colloquio di Fisica dal titolo "Computational study of non-coding rna structures and their interaction with proteins".

  Abstract: The non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) have recently emerged as protagonists of molecular biology, with profound implications in the regulation of complex mechanisms underlying physiological conditions, and whose dysregulation can induce a wide range of diseases.
The ncRNAs molecular functioning is based on their interaction with other biomolecules, therefore the knowledge of their structures is highly relevant in the framework of the structure-function paradigm.  The lack of massive experimental structural data makes the in-silico prediction of RNA secondary and tridimensional structure of pivotal importance. Yet, these predictions are extremely challenging, especially for large RNA molecules.
Here we present a comparison of computational tools to predict secondary structure, assessed on a sample of ncRNAs (e.g. HCV Ires domain).
We developed a dedicated protocol, to obtain reliable structures starting from primary sequences, and demonstrate its usage in the case of the human lncRNA DLEU2.
DLEU2 is expressed in the liver, with increased expression in human hepatocellular carcinoma. This lncRNA physiologically interacts with the protein zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) in the PRC2 complex for transcription repression. In the presence of the hepatitis B virus, the HBX protein expressed by the virus activates DLEU2 expression in the host and directly binds it to modulate transcription and boost HBV replication. By modeling the molecular complexes of DLEU2/EZH2/HBx it has been predicted a protein competition, experimentally confirmed, that impacts EZH2/PRC2 functions.
This investigation is an example of the successful application of in-silico protocols to guide and interpret biomolecular and cellular biological assays.

L'evento si svolge in Aula B - Via della Vasca Navale 84, piano terra

Link identifier #identifier__79146-1Locandina
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