Colloquio di fisica: The quest for dual and binary supermassive black holes
Giovedì 27 giugno 2024 alle ore 14:30 la prof. Alessandra De Rosa IAPS/INAF - National Institute for Astrophysics, terrà il Colloquio di Fisica dal titolo "The quest for dual and binary supermassive black holes".
Abstract: Hierarchical models of galaxy formation predict that galaxy mergers represent a key transitional stage of rapid Supermassive Black Holes (SMBHs) growth. However, the lack of a census of AGN pairs over cosmic time prevents us from firmly connecting BH triggering and merging processes.
Detecting dual AGN – active SMBHs at projected separations larger than several parsecs – and binary AGN – active SMBHs bound in a Keplerian binary – is an observational and theoretical challenge. These systems encode crucial information about the formation and accretion history of SMBHs across cosmic ages and are among the loudest gravitational waves emitters at low-frequencies.
The talk will review the observational efforts, across the electromagnetic spectrum, on the detection and study of dual and binary SMBHs and will reflect on broader implications of these findings when considering the current simulations of merging BH.
27 giugno ore 14:30 – Aula C di Via Della Vasca Navale 84, piano terra
Link identifier #identifier__196570-1Locandina