Seminario- Tè di Matematica

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Seminario- Tè di Matematica
Nell'ambito dei Tè di Matematica, mercoledì 8 gennaio alle ore 16:00, Matteo Quattropani (Università Roma Tre) terrà un seminario dal titolo "Playing games with random rules".

Abstract: Game theory is a branch of applied mathematics that deals with models of strategic interaction between rational (and often selfish) agents. Since the pioneering work of Von Neumann and Nash, mathematical game theory has primarily focused on existential results for various notions of equilibrium (i.e., solution), aiming to categorize games into classes for which such equilibria exist. It is somewhat surprising how little attention has been paid to the “average-case approach”, in which the focus shifts to the frequency according to which equilibria exist, i.e., on their typicality. In this context, random games—where the payoffs are randomly sampled—provide a natural starting point for analysis.
In this talk, after introducing some fundamental concepts at the heart of game theory, I will present both classic and more recent results on random games. Along the way, I will highlight key takeaways that mathematicians and economists could get out of such results.

Il seminario si svolgerà in presenza presso il Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Lungotevere Dante 476, aula M1.

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